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Every child has the right to read. We are working to make this a national priority.

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South Africa is facing a literacy crisis

81% of South African learners cannot read for meaning in any language. This is a systemic failure which violates the right to basic education for the majority of our learners and deprives them of an integral tool to unlock a lifetime of opportunities and address inequality.

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Reading cards on classroom wall
Boy reading book

Our campaign

The Right to Read campaign, led by the South African Human Rights Commission, aims to make early-grade literacy a national priority through legislative reform and the development of binding regulations for the first three grades.

These regulations should clarify the state's obligations in terms of teaching time, teacher training, quality learner and teacher support materials, and regular literacy testing to ensure that learners can read for meaning by age 10.

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Young boy reading book in class Alphabet posters on classroom wall Teacher holding word card Young learner with two thumbs up
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Our campaign

The Right to Read Campaign aims to mobilize civil society and the education sector, as well as society at large, to make early grade literacy a national priority reflected through legislative reform. One of the ways we have identified to do this is to advocate for the development of binding regulations for reading in the first three grades of school.

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